We had a very good presentation yesterday at OnHollywood. Lots of positive feedback attendees, bloggers, journalists and VCs.
There was lots of fun too. We met some of the brightest and most interesting people in the industry.
Here's me and Efrat demoing:
The dry run in our hotel room:
Chatting with Mike Arrington:
I came across your site because I was looking for free file storage. I clicked your link on a Google search--and I signed up for an account.
I teach a course at Cal State Los Angeles, on Web 2.0 and related stuff. (See URL above.) If you are in the LA area some Saturday, I'd be very happy to have you visit my class. (The course is over in early June.)
You have a nice, bright site--although I'm wondering if you have enough that differentiates your site from other social sites to make a success of it.
Good luck.
-- Russ Abbott
Posted by: Russ Abbott | May 08, 2006 at 06:12 PM
I want to thank you for bringing esnips as content sharing application into existence. It has helped me in many ways.
If you'll be kind enough to help me learn a few things. I wished to know that "What's in it for you"...??? I mean How you get ROI...??? Because I didn't notice advertisements, couldn't find paid links so I was wondering if esnips is free and powered with some other company...???
Posted by: Gaurav | May 15, 2006 at 12:16 PM
Gaurav - Great to hear you enjoy eSnips. We plan on generating our revenues primarily from advertising. At this point we are still focused on product development and user growth.
Russ - It is very different. eSnips is about content while other social sites people and profile centric. For this reason the demographics especially age are very different than any of the other social networks.
We have great stuff coming up. Hope to get more of your comments as we go. Cheers.
Posted by: YaelElish | May 15, 2006 at 12:30 PM