As part of the 'eSnips Spotlight Weeks' many of our the facinating communities on eSnips will take center stage on our home page. The first community in the spotlight were artists selling their work on eSnips that week was called the 'Open Studio Week' .
Next in the spotlight is the Karaoke community, definitely one of my favorite eSnips communities. I am seriously planning on joining in. More info in eSnippers den, there's a contest this time!!!
Why can't we trace who called our work as boring. It is depressing to get a review like that. I never relaised when i signed up that horrible people would be giving votes on me. Atleast if someone gives us a review we shopuld have right to know who they are and repsond. This is like an anoynmous insult machine. How can i find out who voted my work as boring.
Posted by: T Mc | July 25, 2006 at 02:23 PM
I just want to say, as an Artist/Musician, musicians surfing the web online in my case having my own web sites, none have offered web site benefits like yours. I am able to put my art, music, and art/music audioslide on my esnips website, thank you very much esnips!
Posted by: Alicia Villarreal | August 22, 2006 at 06:59 PM health insurance
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Posted by: SAMUEL | April 06, 2007 at 08:06 PM