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October 15, 2006



Uhm i think it will be a good idea for this site to have an Community Message Board, that way it will help the new or old members of this website, with many things like tutorials for photo or vidio editing or even for music mixing/editing, the old members or the ones with more knowledge in those domains can suggest or teach those whom are in a need for such things and for sure many would agree on this one, all you have to do is put a Poll on the right side of the website to see if they want or not.

//just a suggestion, no eggs pls :)


Hi Claudel, thanks for the feedback, forum is coming up, your other ideas are cool. November version will have some of these editions especially a better way for people from the same community / interst to interact. I would appreciate your thoughts once it's out. Cheers.


Woohoo, then that's a great news for me aswell for all others whom would need it, i was thinking about the Personal Store's that you can create here and the payments/redeeming if you can add/interact with other Internet Payments/Currency website because I for one(dunno about others) cannot create an account on PayPal because my country (Romania) isnt listed anymore on the account creation interface, so that means i cannot use your virtual store, would you think about any future changes in that sector of this website?

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