'A couple of month of very intensive work and a great new version went live today. The version was inspired by, and is dedicated to the fast growing community of diverse genre musicians that has made it's home on eSnips.
The goal of the new version was to provide a home, or a 'one stop shop' place where musicians can not only share all their music but also promote it virally online and socialize with their peers.
Key features added:
- More space to fit all your songs (increase storage from 1GB to 5GB)
- Playlists and single-songs widgets to promote your music online, on other sites and blogs
- eMail sending of songs and other media, with gener skins and backgrounds
- Eight new genre specific music communities: Electronic, Metal, Industrial & Gothic , Rap, Reggae, Jazz, Hindi , Elvis , and Blues.
It's very goog news ... very exciting ...
Posted by: tiandrive | March 04, 2007 at 10:04 PM