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April 02, 2007


Barbara T. Arava


Nice work. Really impressive.
Are you sure though that all projects are listed in your chart?

There are some very good and quite big sites I know (and that I did't see on this chart). For example: tripadvisor.com
Other services are pretty new, but I'm sure will be there in a year's time. For exmple: sutree.com

Anyway, Cheers


It's very interesting. Is there any way to see the graphic larger so it's clearer. I clicked on giving a larger image, but ... it would be nice to see it full size.

Thanks in advance.

Tony Sanabria

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Is it possible to download songs from here?


Good site, thanks!h


very helpful, thanks!


Thank you for you work! Good Luck.u


This sucks. The National Journal's Technology Daily is shutting down. This means that the country's only source of focused daily technology policy news will soon be no longer.

According to an email blast sent to subscribers today, the online pub closes at the end of January.

I was an original subscriber way back in 1998 -- back when Bara Vaida was the pub's first star reporter -- and stuck with it through what is (shockingly) almost a decade. It was and is the only place to get a consistent and in-depth perspective on issues that are otherwise glossed over or opined to-death by know-it-alls (who know little).

Over the years, Tech Daily, frankly, became a little too easy to take for granted. It was always there in a way that was almost overwhelming for even the biggest tech policy geek. But, when you really needed a quick perspective on policy doings related to issues like Health IT, cybersecurity, or copyright (to name just a few), you could get everything you need and more with just a little time on the site. Just as importantly, from a tech policy communications perspective, you knew that when you needed to provide a clients' viewpoint on an issue, there would very likely be an educated, highly-professional reporter at Tech Daily who would be up to speed.

Despite the high cost of a Tech Daily subscription, it's understood that the pub ran a tight margin. Apparently, for whatever reason, Tech Daily recently ran on the wrong side of the red/black line in the opinion of its corporate parent.

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