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May 08, 2007



I have been flagging a LOT of porn on esnips, and nothing happens.

I am getting tired of not getting results.

If you don't get rid off of ALL the stinky porn.

I will escalate and you will not like what I am going to do NEXT


Ed: To prevent a situation where anyone could just remove other's people content by flagging, an item has two be flagged twice before it is automatically removed. I am sure you wouldn't want someone to simply remove your content if they don't like it for some reason. On the other hand if two people find the same thing inappropriate it probably means it is. We will regardless also do human monitoring on items that have been flagged once as they are likely to contain inappropriate materials. That should happen soon, hope you can be patient, and see that many efforts are being made in this direction.

Bert Bates

There is copyrighted material being illegally shared on this site! Feel free to email me for details.

Thanks in advance for taking care of this matter.


You guys are really evil, you know that? There are thousands of copywrited novels on here without the author's permission. By putting these on the web, authors that get money via royalties and from sales are being jipped of their lively hood. There are people that ACTUALLY need this money, and by placing their work up on here takes that money from them.

Take down your site, please. You are hurting someone's job and livelyhood.




nhac hay day

Nagesh Pai

I am eager to see this feature go live.. I run a community radio with esnips as an integral part of it.

Waiting for the radio feature which will help me in my community initiatives.



What happened to the auto play? It no longer works? Is there a reason? Because I need auto play for my myspace profile lol. Let me know.


bespoke kitchens

This recipe is one of the most beautiful I've read in a while 'time. This is a welcome addition to my mother and I have tea together.Thanks for this great post

Hair Shears

wow its really very interesting post i like is so very much keep it up for more good post

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