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June 10, 2007



It's just been a privilege to be a part of the Spin Off :)

Edward Francisco Villa


WoW! We even get a free T-Shirt! This has got to be one of the most thoughtful and greatful sites out on the web! This is what makes esnips & company standout from the rest! I can't wait to "show off" my cool new Tee!!! Teee he he he ;) Please keep being innovators and leaders in the whole world wide web community! I wish esnips and Yael Elish & company so much Nachas (Hebrew for Joy) and blessings! Keep up the superb and exquiste work- It will pay off on the end ;) Wish i could help you guys out on esnips, too! I have some of my own , unique ideas on how to make this wonderful service even more welcoming! G-d bless and keep you all very near and dear to Him !

Shalom and G-d keep you so very much!

Edward Francisco Villa
Esnips - Eddy



Hi Eddy. It's great to hear. Thanks for the good words. If you have thoughts on how to make it better we'de love to hear! tell us. Cheers,


To file hosting management team, introducing grid delivery solution.

Dear ESnips,

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Sincerely Yours,

Andy Shin

Marketing Director

If you think this is spam message, I am very sorry to post this message and please delete.

Thank you


AILOGIX is grid delivery solution Development Company located in Australia.

Our web site is www.ailogix.com.

Visit our demo site, www.ufreeus.com and test grid delivery solution.

(You have to install 440kb cuxlden client to view streaming video and download files.

While you are watching(downloading) movie, you may share your movie with other viewers.

When you closed or exit from web site, sharing will be terminated)

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Mark Vane

Hi, Added a new value add to my blog this weekend - a news widget from http://www.widgetmate.com/news I always wanted to show latest news for my keywords in my sidebar. It was very easy with this widget. Just a small copy paste and it was done. Great indeed.

Mehran - IRAN

this site is awsome but i'm very sad cos there is no direct link and we cant use download managers like DAP or FlashGet.
PLS do something for this problem !!


thank you for your services
you are the best



what is wrong with esnips??

i cant download songs anymore and put them into my iPod??

whats wRongggggggggggg?!!!!!!!

did you guys change the mp3 format? if you did, then thats no good...
people are going to start canceling their accounts, watch...

please change it back!! please please please

Billy Cordon

*yawn* - who cares?

Suggested t-shirt message: "I tried repeatedly to download a file from eSnips and all I got was this bandwidth expired message."

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